Supporting projects that echo our values

Elyan Partners is committed to non-profits whose initiatives resonate with its values or with those of its portfolio companies. The team accompanies these non-profits by providing both financial support and by making its skills and network available to the missions carried out by these organisations.


The Imagine for Margo - Children without Cancer association was created in 2011 by the parents of Margo, who died of a brain tumour at the age of 14. During her illness, they discovered that cancer research was mainly focused on adult cancers, pediatric cancers being considered by industrials as rare diseases.

For 10 years, Imagine for Margo has mobilised, raised awareness and collected donations to accelerate research against childhood cancer. The association finances European programs that provide a better understanding of pediatric cancers and the development of specific, innovative and more effective treatments for children with cancer, in partnership with the best cancer research centres in France and Europe.

Since its creation, Imagine for Margo has collected more than €17 million to fund 42 cutting-edge research programs, enabling more than 3,000 children to benefit from innovative and personalized treatments in Europe. At the same time, the association accompanies and supports more than 400 families.


La Maison des Femmes de Saint-Denis cares for and supports women in difficulty or victims of violence.

Attached to Delafontaine Hospital, it offers local multidisciplinary care, with a one-stop shop approach. La Maison des Femmes offers a complete path of care, through three units: Family planning, Female sexual mutilation and Domestic, intra-family, sexual and gender-based violence. Patients also benefit from social and legal support, psycho-physical care and multiple workshops to improve their self-esteem.

Today, it welcomes between 50 and 80 women a day and provides more than 15,000 consultations a year.

It was created in July 2016 by Dr. Ghada Hatem.

In 2021, La Maison des Femmes launched Re#Start, a collective of 10 existing structures providing care and support to women in difficulty or victims of violence, located in France, Belgium and Mexico. The creation of Re#Start aims to pool skills and knowledge by sharing good practices, share data to undertake impact studies, develop concrete proposals and carry out advocacy actions aimed at public authorities.