Procedure for filing a claim
This information is established in accordance with the complaint handling provisions provided for in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 of 25 April 2016 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2117 of 13 July 2022 and AMF Instruction No. 2012-07.
It is intended to inform Elyan Partners SAS customers about the complaint handling procedure.
Only statements stating the customer's dissatisfaction with the professional are concerned, excluding requests for information, opinion, clarification, service or service.
Person in charge of complaint processing within Elyan Partners SAS: Albane STREICHENBERGER
Anyone wishing to send a complaint to Elyan Partners SAS is invited to send a letter to the following address:
Elyan Partners SAS
25-27 Place de La Madeleine
75008 Paris - France
A complaint can also be sent to Elyan Partners SAS:
By phone: +33 1 40 17 36 67
By mail: a.streichenberger@elyan.com
Processing times for declarations
Elyan Partners SAS undertakes to send the claimant an acknowledgement of receipt within 10 days, in the event that his complaint cannot be processed more quickly. From the date of sending the complaint, the request will be processed within a period that may not exceed 2 months. When, in exceptional circumstances, the decision relating to the complaint cannot be rendered within this period, Elyan Partners undertakes to inform the claimant of the reasons for this delay and specifies the date on which the decision will be rendered
No specific pricing will be charged to the customer for his claim.
In case of dissatisfaction with the follow-up given to your complaint, you can call either the independent mediator of Anacofi or the independent mediator of the AMF for management services on behalf of third parties and investments:
Médiateur de l’Anacofi
92 rue d’Amsterdam - 75009 Paris
Autorité des Marchés Financiers
Madame Marielle Cohen-Branche - Médiateur de l’AMF
17 place de la Bourse - 75082 Paris Cedex 02
The mediation request form with the AMF as well as the mediation charter are available here.
Other EEA member country, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
Regarding services provided in other countries of the European Union, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, Elyan Partners informs of the possibility of referring the matter to the independent mediator of the National Competent Authority, the list of which is kept by the European Commission: FIN-NET members
The procedures are confidential, free of charge, contradictory and non-binding. Either party may terminate it whenever it wishes and retains the right to go to court.
However, before referring the matter to the mediator, it is necessary for the customer to take his first step with the person in charge of complaints within Elyan Partners.